
La Famiglia Itri

Monday, April 18, 2011


I hate taxes. I don't even have to do hardly anything with them because my father-in-law is an accountant so we get reliable, professional tax-doing absolutely free! However, it doesn't come completely problemless. We finally got all our information to Todd's poor dad about April 9th. (Just so you know, we have to rely on some other people to get everything together, so it wasn't because we are lazy!) He mailed everything completed to us April 11th. It is now the 18th, taxes are due, and we have gotten- NOTHING!!! My mom is speculating that our taxes were mis-delivered to someone elses house (this is a common problem in our neighborhood and our neighbors name is Megan Farmer, which is very close to Megan Faber. We get a lot of her mail.) So now we have to file extensions. This is so annoying. Everything is done, we should only have to mail our taxes in one time if we were good enough to get it all done on time! I am sad.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I feel your pain. And it is painful. I nearly had a break down when I tried to get our tax docs via email and it wasn't downloading, then wasn't opening, then wasn't printing as the days pass closer and closer to the deadline. I'm sorry that you have to do the extension thing. Annoying.